Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Injection 100ml
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Exp :- 3/2027


Each 1 ml contains: Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate: 2 mg.


The dexamethasone sodium phosphate is a fluoro-methyl derivative of prednisolone, which is a potent glucocorticoid with minimal mineralocorticoid activity. Dexamethasone has ten to twenty times the anti-inflammatory activity of prednisolone. Corticosteroids suppress the immunologic response by inhibition of dilatation of capilaries, migration and function of leucocytes and phagocytosis. Glucocorticoids have an effect on metabolism by increasing gluconeogenesis.

Horses, cattle, pigs, dogs and cats: Treatment of inflammatory or allergic conditions.
Cattle: Treatment of primary ketosis (acetonaemia). Induction of parturition Horses: Treatment of arthritis, bursitis or tenosynovitis.

Target species: Horses, cattle, pigs, cats and dogs.
Dosage & Administration
Horses: For intravenous, intramuscular, intra-articular.
Cattle, pigs, dogs and cats: For intramuscular injection.
For the treatment of inflammatory or allergic conditions:
Horses, cattle, pigs:
of product: 1.5 ml / 50 kg.
Dogs, cats
of product: 0.5 ml/ 10 kg
Doses may be repeated once after a 24-48 hours interval if required.
For the treatment of primary ketosis in cattle (acetonaemia): Of product: 0.5-1 ml/
50 kg given by intramuscular injection.
In most cases, a single dose will effect a cure but the dose may be repeated after 48 hours if necessary
For the induction of parturition:
Of product: 1 ml/50 kg as a single intramuscular injection after day 260 of pregnancy. Parturition will normally occur within 48-72 hours.
If calving does not occur within these periods, the dose may be repeated.
For the treatment of arthritis, bursitis or tenosynovitis by single intra-articular in the horse: Of product: 1-5 ml.
Injections into joint spaces or bursae should be preceded by the removal of an equivalent volume of synovial fluid. Strict asepsis is essential.
To measure small volumes of less than 1 ml a suitably graduated syringe should be used to ensure accurate administration of the correct dose.

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