Phenylo - Ject Injectable Solution 100ml
Exp :- 2/2027
Each 100 ml contains: Phenylbutazone 20 gm
phenylbutazone is a pyrazolone non - steroidal anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agent Phenylbutazone acts by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins possess a wide variety of physiological properties, including those involved in the production of pain inflammation and pyrexia The main metabolite, oxyphenbutazone. possesses similar pharmacological properties
For the treatment of musculo-skeletal disorders in horses and ponies where the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of phenylbutazone can offer relief against inflammation, pain and lameness (for example , osteoarthritis conditions , acute and chronic laminitis , bursitis and carpitis ).
Target species: Horses& ponies .
Dosage & administration
Horses Maximum 10 ml 450 kg
Ponies Maximum 5 mu 225 kg
To be administered by very slow intravenous injection in a single dose.
in acute cases and in hospitalized animals / once daily for not more than five consecutive days.
Observe aseptic conditions
The therapeutic index of phenylbutazone is low. Do not exceed the stated dose or the duration of treatment
Do not administer with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents concurrently or within 24 hours of each other
Do not use in animals suffering from cardiac, hepatic or renal disease: where there is the possibility of gastro-intestinal ulceration or bleeding, where there is evidence of a blood dyscrasia or of hypersensitivity to the product
-Some authorities (including the Jockey Club) regard phenylbutazone as a 'prohibited substance' under the rules of competition.
Therefore, use of this product in a competition horse should be in accordance with the recommendations/advice of the relevant competition authorities.
Not to be used in recently born pet animals
Discontinue treatment if no response is evident after four to five days treatment.
The clinical effect of phenylbutazone can be evident for at least three days following cessation of administration. This should be borne in mind when examining horses for soundness
Adverse effects
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause inhibition of phagocytosis and hence in the treatment of inflammatory conditions associated with bacterial infections, appropriate concurrent antimicrobial therapy should be instigated.
There is a risk of irritancy if the injection is accidentally inoculated under the skin during intravenous administration .